Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why Jesse Why?

We all want our piece of the pie. The WGA is in an uproar because of the multi-million dollar revenue streams being cultivated by networks using their material. To which I say go writers! T.V. is an endangered species, at least in its current form. It is money savvy to go ahead and iron out the details (give me my money!) now.

With all that being said, and with no malice or disrespect aimed at the WGA, I wonder to myself... What is Jesse doing there? I mean really, let's look at the hard facts. There aren't many people of color (yea, I am talking about black people) that work behind or in front of the camera. And I am talking as a whole, I am not talking about the requisite token black in a sit-com, I'm talking real numbers. And PLEASE don't even MENTION BET to me.. EVER! Is this what the Rainbow Coalition works for. Is he involved in labor disputes with auto industry. Pilots union? Did I miss that? Somebody tell me.
One thing I don't mind being is wrong. So if I am out of order in my Jesse critique, (I am sure this won't be the last time) please correct me. Besides, I'm still salty from that whole Free at Last staging after the release of the soldiers during operation Iraqi Occupation, Part I.
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