Monday, November 19, 2007

Malice on MySpace Takes a Tragic Turn

A Myspace hoax took a tragic turn and ended with a thirteen year old taking her own life. A standard school yard girl fight became a mother's opportunity to vindicate her child by posing as a 16 year old boy interested in an awkward thirteen year old girl and telling her "the world would be better without her in it."

Thirteen year old Megan Meier thought someone had an interest in her. She was lured into this online affair by an adult, her former friend's mother and then after cultivating this relationship for some time, the boy she had grown so fond of her began to turn on her and post mean things about her online. In reaction to that betrayal, which is larger than life for someone that age, she took her own life. The response from the mother who initiated this chain of tragic events, "no remorse" cause she believes it is not her fault.

I have to wonder how could an adult do this? More than that, I believe what she did is akin to any adult who attacks a child, via the internet or otherwise. She's in the same category as pedophiles the way I see it. Anytime an adult uses their advantage (years, life experience, cunning, etc..) to overcome and manipulate a child, it is criminal. PERIOD.

See the entire story as reported by MSNBC here -->

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